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Region: 6
Capital: Roxas City
Area: 2,633.2 sq. km
Number of Towns: 16

1. Cuatero
2. Dao
3. Dumalag
4. Dumarao
5. Ivisan

6. Jamindan
7. Ma-ayon
8. Pan-ay
9. Panitan
10. Pilar

11. Pontevedra
12. Pres. Roxas
13. Sapi-an
14. Sigma
15. Tapaz

Churches and Religious Shrines

Pan-ay Church, Pan-ay – A grand church about 76 meters long and 24 meters wide, with thick coral walls, a marble floor and a five-story belfry that houses the largest bell in Southeast Asia. The antique bell is 2 meters in diameter cast out of 76 sacks of coins.

Dumalag Church, Dumalag – Built in 1872, it has yellow sandstone walls, an interior shaped like a cross and a five-story belfry containing 5 bells of different sizes.

Historical Sites

Moro Towers, Roxas – Half-torn stone structures built in 1814 to repel the invading Moors and Portuguese colonizers. One tower is atop the hill in sitio Nipa, the other one is near Roxas City airport. Birthplace of Manuel A. Roxas, Roxas – A two-story hardwood and stone house where President Manuel Roxas was born. The house, which was awarded in 1949, is now a national shrine.

Dumaguete Bell Tower - Built in 1811. It served as a watchtower and belfry to forewarn townsfolk against piratical raids.

Dauin Beach and Moro Tower - Clean and unspoiled Dauin Beach is the backdrop for the centuries-old Moro towers. These dome-shaped towers were once used by natives against marauding pirates.

Major Attractions

Pilar Caves, Pilar – One and a half kilometer cave with six entrances connected to each other.

Napti Island, Pan-ay – An uninhabited island that is rocky on one side and sandy on the other.

Buntod Beach, Pan-ay – Three kilometers of black sand and one of the cleanest beaches in Capiz. It is protected on one side by Napti Island and on the other side by the mountains of Pilar.

Olutayan Island, Roxas – Its crystal clear waters and multi-colored fishes make it ideal for snorkeling. The island's beach is carpeted with tiny crushed shells called cascaho.

Tucad Reef, Pilar – A submarine islet of seashell and corals with thin layers of sand on top.

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