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North Cotabato

Located in the center island of Mindanao, strategically positioned as the hub of the whole region. Bounded by the province of Bukidnon on the north, Lanao del Sur on the northwest portion, Maguindanao on the southwest side, Sultan Kudarat on the south and Davao del Sur on the east. The majestic heights of Mt. Apo, occupies the western side of the province, which bisect the land from Davao, and the Piapayungan Range turning point of Lanao. In the middle of the highlands is the receptacle of Rio Grande Mindanao which ascent in Bukidnon and flows south to Maguindanao and Illana Bay. The name was derived from a stone fort, called "Fota Wato" that implies the long tradition of courage and resistance that marks the history of the Pulangi River. The tribe of the Manobos tribe were the residents of the province who were quite giving to the mandate of the Maguindanao Sultan.

The Manobos are known for their native crafts of pottery, basketry and weaving. Its cloth is thinner than the other tribes. The traditional dress among women include black sleeves, abaca skirt, girdle of braided human hair or vegetable fiber which hangs a cluster of beads, shells and herbs. The men wore long, loose trousers or tight breeches, topped with button less jacket. Cotabato's plain takes pride in its fertile stretch of rich soils. The river overflows regularly and deposits its sediments making the land fertile. Its favorable climate is responsible for its auspicious productivity. Coconut, rice, sugar, abaca, pineapple, cotton, coffee, tobacco and ramie are among the products of the province. Their industries are composed of livestock, hog and poultry raising, fishing and logging. Several natural and man-made sites gives the province a wildlife haven effect. Its caves, forested mountains, gigantic waterfalls, lakes and springs are some of the spots both local and foreign explorers must see. The New Israel is framed for its tamed monkeys, while a variety of bats and snakes can be found in the Pisan cave. Kidapawan and Magpet are the starting points for climbers who wish to challenge the slopes of Mt. Apo. PAL has a direct flight daily from Manila going to Cotabato City. Access to the province is thru the provinces of Davao, there are buses going to and from Davao everyday. The buses of Philtranco services the Manila-Davao route. By sea, William Lines and Sulpicio Lines sails the port of Polloc in Maguindanao.

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