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Sorsogon is famous for...

Donsol Butanding/Whaleshark Interaction
Swim with the biggest fish in the world – the whalesharks or butandings of Donsol. Peak interaction season is February to May each year.

Mt. Bulusan Natural Park & Bulusan Mountain Lake
The site is a favorite destination of mountain climbers and nature lovers for a number of excellent reasons: Mount Bulusan remains to be an active volcano; the surrounding forests boast of exotic flora and fauna; and the mystical Lake Bulusan lying 2,084 ft. upon the slopes of the volcano

Rizal Beach Resort
Located in Gubat town, the Rizal Beach Resort offers a wide expanse of fine white sand beach. It has two well-appointed beachside resort hotels.

Tolong-Gapo Beach Resort
Located merely a 15-minute ride from the center of the city, in the Bacon District, is the Tolong-Gapo Beach Resort. It offers a long stretch of fine white sand beach, complete with beachside cottages made of native materials that are ideal for picnics. Tolong-gapo means “three stones” – a resort landmark.

PNOC / Inang Maharang Eco-Park
Covering 25,000 hectares of a forest reservation, it is the site of the Bacon-Manito Geothermal Plants of the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC). The eco-park itself offers a lot of eco-tour delights and adventures including mountain falls, hot and cold springs, boiling water lakes, and exotic flora and fauna.

Hot & Mineral Springs of Irosin
All located in the barangays around the foot of Mount Bulusan, in the adjacent towns of Irosin and Bulusan, are the hot and cold spring resorts of San Benon and Mapaso, and the mineral (soda) water spas of Masacrot and Palogtok to soothe tired bodies and rickety bones.

Prieto Diaz Mangrove Forest & Coastal Management Showcase
The natural mangrove forest and wide expanse of seagrass is a recipient of the 1998 Best Community-Based Coastal Resources Management Program Award given by the United Nations Agency for International Development (USAID). It features a wood and canopy walk.

Picturesque Islands off Matnog
Island hopping is a must-do when in Matnog, with its picture-pretty little islands featuring fine white, black, and even pink sand beaches. The islands are jump-off points for scuba diving and deep-sea sport fishing.

Pili Festival
Held every last week of June each year in Sorsogon City, the festival celebrates the Pili Tree and its numerous products, which is why it is dubbed “The Majestic Tree of Sorsogon.” The festival features a week-long series of cultural activities, product exhibits, culminating with the inimitable Pili Street Dance.

Kasanggayahan Festival
The premier festival of the province of Sorsogon, Kasanggayan is held every last two weeks of October each year. It commemorates the foundation of Sorsogon as a province of Bicol. It features the Pantomina sa Tinampo, or the dancing of the Pantomina (Dance of the Doves) in the streets of Sorsogon City.

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