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South Cotabato

The fruitful land of South Cotabato is located in the southern part island of Mindanao. Enclosed on the north and west portion by the province of Sultan Kudarat, on the south by Sarangani and Sarangani Bay and on the eastern side by Davao del Sur. South Cotabato has many distinct physiographic features. A series of relatively high mountains, upland lakes and inactive volcanoes in the Daguma Range that extends from the provinces of Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat, all the way to the southern extreme of the land that forms the boundary between the province and Sarangani.

South Cotabato is Southern Mindanao's melting pot of religions and cultures. Panay inhabitants mainly populate the land. Its native tongue is composed of both Hiligaynon and Cebuano. One of the most colorful people of Mindanao lived in the localization around Lake Sebu. T'boli natives are known for their beaded personal ornaments, embroidered dresses, bangles, bracelets, chokers and brass mail belts. The province is cant as an agricultural eden. The rich and fertile lands of Koronadal and Allah contain fields that produce rice and corn. An immense plantation of pineapples and bananas located at the town of Polomolok, near General Santos City, are one of their main sources of income. The vast water that surrounds the island particularly, Sarangani Bay catered a massive fishing industry.

South Cotabato is blessed with a majestic and exotic wilderness which added to its one of a kind cultural heritage that boosts the local tourism industry. Several mountain ranges, natural caves, mountain lakes, forests and springs abound the land. The municipalities of Lake Sebu and T'boli are well known for their cultural heritage and crafts of its autochthonal T'boli and B'laan communities. The scenic Mt. Matutum, El Gawel Resort and Wildlife Sanctuary, Lake Sebu, Lake Maughan and Mt. Parker and the Seven Falls offers unrivalled vistas for all tourists and explorers. The famous and unique T'boli Tribal Festival held every third week of September is a thanksgiving festivity which branched out from the belief of the T'boli in the golden age which they call Lem-Lunay. Each festival is an opportunity to re-energize the people and renew their vow to work for this coveted side of life. There are two ways for you to arrive on South Cotabato. One is a direct flight to Davao City and travel by land to Lake Sebu for a 6-hour ride. Second, also a direct flight to Gen. Santos City and the traveling time to the city is much shorter, only 2-hour ride.

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