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Sultan Kudarat

Located in Central Mindanao, Sultan Kudarat is bounded by the province of Cotabato and Maguindanao on the north, Davao del Sur on the east, Moro Gulf on the west and South Cotabato on the south.

The provincial terrene is composed of plains, rolling hills and mountains. Mountain ranges lined the three coastal towns on the western side that walled the central portion from the sea. It is balanced by the mountain stretch of Columbio on the eastern side that leaves a flat and winding land in between.

Sultan Kudarat is named after the great ruler, Sultan Mohammed Dipatuan Kudarat of Mindanao and Sulu during the 17th century. He is the most famous and perhaps the greatest leader to rise among the Maguindanaos. He ruled both the provinces of Lanao, Davao, Cotabato and up to the northern coast of Borneo.

Muslim tribes of Iranons, Tirurays and Manobos settled and reside around the area of Sultan Kudarat. They were the homes of the Muslim Maguindanaos or most commonly known as the "People of the Foot Plains" because of the rich prolific river valley where it is settled. Muslim religion was first introduced to the people by Muslim missionary lead by Sharif Mohammed Kabungsuan in the late 15th century. Sultan Kudarat is basically an agricultural province. It is blessed with rich and enormous agrarian areas. Coconut, sugarcane, abaca, tobacco and ramie are the region’s top major crops. And also one of the few growers of Irish potatoes in the Philippines. Other industries in the province include logging, cornstarch milling and the processing of raw rubber into latex. The largest grain-processing complex in the country, the Southern Philippines Grains Complex is located in the town of Tacurong.

The province still remains one of the unexplored haven in the country. The forest of Sultan Kudarat is the home of thousands of different kinds of orchids, the most known among these flower specie is the Waling-waling which is discovered in 1882. It is one of the most sought after orchids and is considered as rare and prized specimen for its beauty. PAL has a daily flight going to Cotabato City. From there, island transportation services connect Cotabato to Isulan.

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