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Batangas - History

Founded in 1581, Batangas used to be a bigger province, which was composed of the present Batangas, Mindoro, Marinduque, and the present southeastern portion of Laguna. It used to be called Balayan, with the town of Balayan as the capital.

In the beginning of the 17th century, Marinduque and Mindoro were made into separate provinces. In 1732, the capital was transferred to Taal. Finally, in 1754, the capital was transferred to Batangas and the province was thereafter named after the new capital town.

Batangueños are known for being adventurous, business-minded, industrious, friendly, and hospitable. They also happen to have a long-standing reputation for bravery, owing to the Balisong, a Philippine handmade fan-knife native to the province. To add to the perception, Lipa in Batangas, known as Coffee Granary of the Philippines, produces the popular Kapeng Barako, strong coffee considered fit only for strong men.

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